49 Pedalboards using it

TAP Fractal Doubler

Plugin screenshot

Fractal Doubler is a vocal doubler which gives you full control over your doubling. Choose your presets for great results or tweak the controls to find your sound signature. It also produces interesting results with acoustic/electric guitars, bass and just about any other instrument. Features: Modeled by TAP

Control Default Min Max
Time Tracking 0.50 0.00 1.00
Pitch Tracking 0.50 0.00 1.00
Dry Level 0.00 dB -90.00 dB 20.00 dB
Dry Left Position 0.00 0.00 1.00
Dry Right Position 1.00 0.00 1.00
Wet Level 0.00 dB -90.00 dB 20.00 dB
Wet Left Position 0.00 0.00 1.00
Wet Right Position 1.00 0.00 1.00
http://moddevices.com/plugins/tap/doubler v.1:7.2-11