Colombo Audio Electronics / MOD Audio
6 Pedalboards using it

Lead Trilogy

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Lead Trilogy is a distortion pedal with a strong British flavor, it refers to the hi-gain Marshall* heads produced in the 80s and 90s, a time when the guitar played a predominant role in many genres, not only in rock context. The manufacturer of these amplifiers does not fail to re-propose these heads, which have now become a cult object. 3 heads in the Lead Trilogy The goal of the pedal is to recreate the sounds of these 3 amps in a compact format, a fully analog circuitry and a design optimized to be plugged to the input jack of the vast majority of amps set to a clean sound. - Jubilee mode: Thanks to the reconstruction of the particular asymmetrical clipping circuit found on the original head, its typical character rich in upper harmonics with a sharp and creamy focus is achieved. - 800 mode: Characterized by a loud voice, full of mid frequencies, which, combined to his direct response is able to cut through the mix of any rock band. - 900 mode: It generates a pronounced distortion, loaded with compression and sustain, offering a pungent yet crisp and warm response, particularly highlighting the vibrato technique during lead lines. - Volume: Controls the overall output volume. - Tone: works on the frequency response of the distortion, lower values for a darker and warmer tone, higher values give more bite. - Gain: controls the amount of distortion, just like in reference amps. *Product names and trademarks are the property of their respective holders that do not endorse and are not associated or affiliated with MOD Audio or Colombo Audio Electronics; they were used merely to identify the product whose sound was incorporated in the creation of this plugin. Features: Plugin by MOD Audio & Colombo Audio Electronics Based on RTNeural by Jatin Chowdhury

Control Default Min Max
VOLUME 0.00 dB -60.00 dB 10.00 dB
TONE 0.50 0.00 1.00
GAIN 0.50 0.00 1.00
MODE 0 0 2
MODEL SIZE 1 0 2 v.1:1.0-13